Let us Pray for Peace


Let us pray for peace

Peace in our hearts, so that peace may reign in our homes.

Peace in our communities, in our cities, in our states, in our nations and in the world,

So that the prophesy of Isaiah may come true:

"In the days to come, the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established as the highest mountain and raised above the hills. All nations shall stream toward it;... they shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks; one nation shall not raise the sword against another, nor shall they train for war again"
Isaiah 2:1-5

At the birth of the child Jesus, the humble and meek gathered to witness the greatest miracle since the creation of the universe. God, creator of all and almighty, became man, so He could show us the way to heaven personally. All we have to do is to know, love and serve Him in every area of our lives.

"Like the Shepherds in the field on that Holy Night, let us make haste to contemplate the Child lying in the manger, the Infant Jesus with Joseph and his mother Mary.  May Mary who welcomed the Word of God in her womb, held him in her arms and offered him to the world as universal Redeemer help us to receive him ever more deeply into our lives so that he may truly be our peace and salvation."
Excerpt from Pope John Paul II in the General Audience on Wednesday, December 19, 2001.


Today, take your life and give it to Jesus-

Let us pray:

Lord, I do not know what to do or say, but You do.
Inspire me to do your will and to follow you.
Give me faith to follow you, even when I do not know where I am going.

Give me trust to know that all I have to do is to ask.

Give me peace, so I can put aside my worries, by saying and repeating over and over again:

Jesus, I trust in YOU.

Jesus, I trust in YOU.

Jesus, I trust in YOU.

Thank you, Lord for your love and care.
Teach me to love like You love me,
To put fears aside and to embrace the joys,
and bear the pain, knowing that You are at my side.




© Marta - Christmas 1998- Leap of Faith- www.faithleap.org






Jesus is our Lord and the Savior of the World.  Alleluia. Amen.


Reflections of Advent by Pope John Paul II

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