Leap of Faith

Testimonies of Faith


I was born and raised in Taiwan…

 It has been almost 23 years since I moved to the U.S.
I've lived alone most of these years, in my loneliness,
I learned to turn to God for guidance and strength
during trials and challenges,
in my day to day human existence.

  I was born and raised in Taipei, Taiwan, came to the U.S. in 1977 after completing college education. Both my parents came from main land China during the communist revolution.  They did not have any religious background.  My two older brothers and myself were raised without any formal religious education other than what was in the Chinese culture, respect for the Divine power, cause and effect, do good and be rewarded with blessings for posterity...

  As I was growing up as a teenager in the late 60's and early 70's, Taipei was already quite exposed to the Western culture.  The city celebrated both Chinese and Western holidays.  Christmas was an official holiday not because of its religious significance, but because it is the anniversary of the signing of Chinese constitution.  I remember, the commercial areas were all decorated with glistening lights during December time; shop windows were all dressed with trees and presents; Christmas music played everywhere.  The night clubs had special attractions.  Private parties were given.  Exchange of gifts was fashionable, but all these festive activities were without religious meaning, though the city has quite a lot of Christian churches and believers. Somehow the main message of Christmas: the birth of Christ, peace on earth, goodwill towards men were not the prevailing theme of the season.

  My father passed away when I was 18.  My mother was then introduced to the Christian church through friends who tried to console her.  I accompanied my mother a few times to the church while I was still living in Taiwan.  I experienced peace during all those visits, and I always found the messages given at the church inspiring, but my interest was purely intellectual.

  It has been almost 23 years since I moved to the U.S., I've lived alone most of these years, in my loneliness, I learned to turn to God for guidance and strength during trials and challenges, in my day to day human existence.

The intellectual interest slowly grew over the years, through the Bible study I attended while living in Salt Lake City and through listening to the Christian Radio Station in Houston in the past five years, but the real deep spiritual relationship with God did not come into being until I went through RCIA (The Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults) and got baptized in Easter of 1998. The RCIA period was also the most difficult time in my life, I experienced emotional darkness and depression.  I used to come before evening classes to pray at the Church alone, in those quiet dark hours, I looked up to Jesus feeling  lights radiating from the cross, and my burden seemed to lightened and wounds healed, for nearly a year that was the only time of my waking hours when I felt comforted.

  Gradually God led me out of my darkness into light, and with the sacrament of baptism in Easter 98, I was given a new heart , to live in Him and Him in me. Joy came back into my life. I began to laugh more and more. Immediately after the baptism, I went to the Holy Land with Father John, the pilgrimage had a profound impact on me, having visited the Holy sites, I learned to focus on the eternal and not the temporal, and I know with Jesus in my heart, I shall never be afraid.

  Today, after 20 months of my baptism, I rejoice everyday in being a Catholic Christian.  I am optimistic about my life and my faith. I feel God's presence in my heart all the time.  When I lay down at night to sleep, I know I am resting in God's everlasting arms. I believe there is ultimate goodness, and a greater purpose beyond human comprehension.  My life will continue to grow in love and connection to other people and to mysteries larger than myself.    



Published by LEAP OF FAITH-  www.faithleap.org

December 1999



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